In the early hours of 9 July 1984, lightning set fire to York Minster's south transept causing £2.25m damage. Experts at York said restoring Notre-Dame was "quite achievable". John David, a master mason at York Minster, said Notre-Dame could be rebuilt using traditional crafts.


As a direct result of the fire at York Minster it was decided that a review of the standards for Lightning protection was needed and in 1985 BS 6651 was first published. The standard continued to be reviewed and revised until eventually being phased out in 2008. Historical system can still be certified to this standard even to this day.


Lightning Enterprises CI Ltd becomes a registered Limited company in Guernsey with the registered number 30838


BS EN 62305 the standards which is still in place today, was first published in 2006, going on to be significantly revised in 2011 and part 2 specifically in 2012. It was published in four parts, 1-4 and parts 1, 3 and 4 were revised in 2011 and part 2 (risk assessment) in 2012.


Tim Guilbert and wife Liz complete the takeover of Lightning Enterprises in late 2015, Lightning Enterprises CI Ltd becomes Jersey Chamber of Commerce member


Bob Ozanne slips into a well-deserved retirement having owned and developed the company over 22 years. He says it was time to get his golf game in order, but clearly has lost none of his trademark sense of humour!


Lightning Enterprises is first Guernsey company to join Considerate Constructors scheme with company reference GU0001


In only its first year of membership Lightning Enterprises wins National Company award following extensive office and site audits and is credited with playing a fundamental role in raising standards in the construction industry.


Lightning Enterprises completes the phase 1 development of its in-house lightning protection software Certitude.
Lightning Enterprises becomes ISO 9001 accredited after comprehensive reviews of procedures and record keeping.
After another year where Lightning Enterprises contributed directly to the Considerate Constructors Scheme and authored an article for inclusion in the Best Practice Hub for Environmental Practices, they were once again awarded a National Company Award.


Lightning Enterprises continues to perform way beyond its size and is due to begin franchising into the UK marketplace during 2021

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